5 Self-Care Tips for Working From Home

February 03, 2021

5 Self-Care Tips for Working From Home

Everyone has their own method when it comes to working from home, but one of the most important things to remember when working remotely is to create a distinction between your work and personal life.

Self-care is just as vital in the office as it is when you're working from home. It can be easy to slip into bad habits when spending all day indoors, but in order to work efficiently — and to take good care of your health — there are a few things you can do.

Firstly, why is self care so important when you work from home?

For many of us, it can be difficult to adjust to a new routine, a new working environment or even spending more time with our partners than we’re used to, so getting on top of our self care can really make a difference to our mindset and how we feel. 

Here are a few tips on how to work from home happily and productively — and without dialling up your stress.

1.  Follow a routine

Simple things like making your bed, tidying your work space, throwing open all the curtains to let maximum light in, having a shower and getting into clothes that help you feel put together, eating a nourishing breakfast so you have fed your brain and can think straight, can all help to create a loose routine that helps you gain a feeling of regularity and rhythm to your day. Weave them into a daily routine of micro rituals to enhance your energy and focus.

2. Set boundaries between your work and home

When you're not in the office, it's easy to slip into habits, such as working late into the evening. One of the most important things you can do is to create boundaries for your day, so that you can maintain a healthy balance between work and play, and create a clear distinction between the hours you need to work and the time you have to yourself.

3. Avoid blue light

Your laptop, smartphone and some lightbulbs emit blue light, which can be damaging to our eyes and suppresses the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or looking at a screen (which most of us do when working from a laptop) wear blue light blocking glasses to protect your eyes from harmful rays, reduce your headaches and increase focus. Check out our range HERE

4. Take regular lunch breaks

It can be tempting to think that you have to fill every minute of the day with ‘productive’ tasks, but if you regularly work from home, you should carve out time to give yourself a well-deserved break. Ensure you are blocking time out to eat a proper lunch, go outside, take a quick walk around your neighbourhood or do some exercise. You'll notice that you'll probably feel more motivated in the afternoon, too.

5. Have a Clock-In and Out Time to Avoid Overworking Yourself

In the same way that getting showered and dressed sends a message to your brain, so is having a commute. Create a routine that signals the end of your day, such as closing your work email, changing your the sweatpants, and starting looking through your pantry for dinner options. The best part is that now your commute gets to be whatever you want it to be.

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